This Master Ordering Agreement (MOA) applies to “Electronic Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Accelerated and Simplified Tasks” (eFAST) and is available for use by the FAA, and on a limited basis and when in the best interest of the Government, by all federal government agencies.
Contract Name: FAA eFast
Contract Number – DTFAWA13A-00129
Issuing Agency: Federal Aviation Administration
Period of Performance: 2010 through 2024
Award Ceiling: 7.4 Billion
Contract Type: Master Ordering Agreement/ Fixed Labor Rates
This MOA functions as a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) to provide 76 Labor Categories for a broad range of technical, professional and support services. Construction is not within the scope of this MOA. MOA sets forth the terms and conditions stipulated to, and governing contracts or task orders issued under the MOA.
The eFAST program will be the FAA’s preferred small business contracting vehicle for services. The FAA will require a broad range of comprehensive professional and support services. This vehicle provides for professional and support services acquisition and allows long term procurements for a broad array of professional and support services. These services can be provided in an expedited efficient and effective manner, to better serve the requirements of the FAA, and on a limited basis and when in the best interest of the Government and all other federal government agencies.
Akira Technologies
1730 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 575
Washington, DC 20006